Aqua Net



In this project we were given the task of creating some type of advertisement for a product that we felt needed a revamping. Being a loyal user of this product I decided to choose Aqua Net. Starting out using the current can and design I soon decided to take an extra step and redesign the entire can too.


My whole concept for this project was to create Ads to show how well this hairspray held up and for how many generations this brand of hairspray has been used. 



Process work 

Starting out I decided I wanted to have a clean look to the new can as well as I wanted to do my own take on the image of the girl pictured on the can. After deciding I wanted to redo the girl I set out to begin drawing and eventually vectorizing my drawing, as well as starting to get a clearer idea of how I was going to do my take on the logo and type.




I finalized the "character" of the girl I wanted to be shown on the can and began incorporating her into my designs. I drew inspiration for the colors from the previous cans but my goal was to have the can be less cluttered.  



Final Look

My final logo design pulls inspiration from the brands previous designs but holds its own. With the logos type choice as well as its ability to change colors to reference the type of hairspray it is the can is lighter and more modern. The slogan I came up with refers to this hairspray holding through out the day- "time tested, time failed"- not even time could beat this hairspray. 




My whole concept for this project was to create Ads to show how well this hairspray held up and for how many generations this brand of hairspray has been used. I chose photos of women with a vintage feel and large hair and expanded their hair to emphasize how big this hairspray would allow your hair to get. I added a clock to both represent the timelessness of this product as well as how this hairspray holds through out the day. This is also emphasized by the slogan "time tested, time failed"- not even time could beat this hairspray!

Using Format